So I dismantled the whole thing and separated the tiers. Then I did a coat of primer and painted it white. Then I taped off stripes
This is where it got a little tricky as I was only using the one level and rewiring it from hardwired to plug in. The kits are easy to find check any hardware store and rewiring is not that hard. Just keep all the black together and all the white together. Wrap with electrical tape and cap it off with a wire nut. Which should already be in there, there are only two wires you will be switching out.
Before you wire it though spray paint the stripes and then peel off tape. Put pieces back together in any configuration you want. There's a threaded rod that holds it all together and lots of nuts. Play around see what fits best. So after you got it figured out weave your wire (plug) through the chain and into the rod and connect to your other wires. Black to black and white to white, if they are both white it's ok just make sure all the other wires are color similar. The electricity just needs to make a loop with the wires, if the loop is crossed it shorts out.
Now the fun part. Take two paint pens (black and white) and have fun doodling or coming up with a pattern. Sharpen your edges and just clean up the design.
Bam! instant pizazz!
is looking up
Since it's plug in and I reduced the size of it, it can virtually go anywhere.
The best part is I still have another layer to play with, think I'm going to make an outdoor candle one. Will post pics when it's done.
PS this cost me 2.99 for the chandelier and 8 dollars for the paint and found the kit on clearance for a dollar!